How much should I buy?
It is difficult to estimate how long a bag of Logs will last as it depends on how often you use your stove, what size of stove you have, size of house, etc. However, our Super Jumbo bag represents the best value for money and our hardwood will burn for longer than the Larch/ Spruce Firewood.
What’s best to burn Hardwood or Firewood?
Our premium firewood is predominately Larch and Spruce. It has a similar burning time to Birch or Alder.
Our premium hardwood is a mix of predominately Ash, Oak and Beech. It typically burns longer and at a higher temperature than Larch.
All our logs are kiln dried below 20% moisture content ensuring hotter flame, low ash and avoiding blocked up flues.
I normally get a crate of Hardwood. What’s the difference?
If you have purchased wood before and it has come in a crate, then the firewood was almost certainly imported from Eastern Europe from countries such as Latvia and Lithuania. Most of the wood is being imported with no guarantee of sustainability or traceability.
At Surefire Wood, we source all our wood locally from FSC®100% (look for the tree logo) well-managed forests ensuring traceability and sustainability of our firewood.
We can also ensure consistent quality and low moisture below 20% as we kiln dry our own wood. Importers of firewood can’t guarantee this consistency. Although certain species of wood must be kiln dried to below 20% moisture to kill of foreign plant disease and bugs before it reaches the UK and Ireland, this is impossible to police. Last year, around 30% of imported firewood that was inspected had to be destroyed as it didn’t meet the criteria. Considering the small amount of inspections carried out, this is quite alarming.
If you see mouldy bags of logs or kindling in your local shop it is recommended you contact plant.health@forestrycommision.gov.uk
Stacked crate equivalent?
Many Suppliers of Imported Crates vastly exaggerate how much is in a crate compared to a loose-filled bag. We do our own comparison of what is in our bags compared to what it is stacked.
I normally buy nets from the local shop. What’s the difference?
Buying logs from a forecourt is a very expensive way of purchasing firewood. If you buy direct we can save you money and also you get your logs delivered. On top of this, you do not know what sort of quality you will get. Many forecourts still stock wet, unseasoned firewood, stored outside in the rain, all at a cost higher than what we deliver your wood for.
Kiln Dried v Seasoned?
Why Kiln Dried instead of Seasoned? All Stove Manufacturers recommend Kiln
Dried Firewood for burning versus Seasoned wood. This is because the consistency of Seasoned wood isn’t reliable.
Lots of firewood producers will tell you they have very dry wood and it has been
seasoned for 6 months or more, but when you burn it, it smoulders in the fire and
blackens the glass. It hasn’t been truly dried all the way through to the centre of the log and tested correctly for moisture content.
Firewood needs to be low in moisture to burn well and to produce maximum heat.
High heat will reduce the build up of unwanted deposits of soot, creosote or ash in the chimney flue. Wood that has a high moisture content produces water vapour and gives a low heat which is too low to burn sap from the wood. This causes a build-up in the Stove, causing the glass to blacken and tar build up in the flue, affecting the performance of the stove, fire and chimney flue.
At Surefire Wood, our Kiln Dried logs and kindling are certified Woodsure ‘Ready to Burn’. They are guaranteed below 12% moisture content for Kindling and 20% for Logs, which makes them ideal for burning in wood-burning stoves, open fires and firepits as they catch alight easily and burn for a long time with a high heat
What is the process of kiln drying firewood and why are they more sought-
after than seasoned logs?
All our firewood is seasoned for at least six months, we then use industrial kilns that are specifically designed for drying firewood. Our kilns have a large chamber where the firewood is loaded, heat is then introduced via piping that ensures air is
circulated evenly within the space. The kilns operate at a temperature of 80 degrees. The firewood is checked to ensure moisture content is below 20%. It is
then removed from the kiln and stacked ready for packaging. As we season our
firewood before kiln drying it saves drying time and ultimately the consumer money.
With kiln dried firewood you get a product that is reliable and consistent. After the
drying process is complete, the firewood is not exposed to any dampness. The
packaging, transport and delivery process that follows the drying also ensures the
firewood is not open to any environment that will impact its quality. Kiln dried firewood will give you hours of heat in your wood burning stove, open fire or fire pit.
What about forests that are cut down to produce wood in this country?
At Surefire Wood, we are proud to sell only FSC®100% firewood ensuring the forests are being well-managed. While cutting down the forests to use the land for other uses may be profitable, it's not sustainable. It's literally stealing from future generations to make a quick buck now.
The FSC® works to promote proper stewardship of the forests. By following the standards set forth by the FSC®, people can still use the forests for economic gain without destroying them for future generations.
What is FSC®?
FSC works to take care of our forests and those who rely on them: by protecting plant and animal species, Indigenous Peoples rights, forest workers’ safety, and protecting forests for future generations.
There are many firewood suppliers who talk about ‘sustainability’ with absolutely no certification whatsoever. At Surefire Wood, we have worked with the Soil Association over many years to ensure we meet the highest expectations of our consumers, protecting forests for the future. Look out for the FSC® tree logo on any wood product you buy.
Why does the glass on my Stove blacken?
The main reason, your Stove glass will blacken is down to wet or unseasoned wood. This wood will burn slow and cold causing sticky creosote to build up inside the Stove and on the glass.
Another reason to consider is the Airwash is not functioning properly. There is generally two air controls for your stove. The Primary air control supplies air below the grate. The secondary air supply (airwash) is above the glass. It supplys air above the fuel, drawing down air as it burns, removing any dry soot on the glass. Ensure this is never fully closed although it can be still closed slightly when the stove is at optimum temperature.
How often should I clean my Chimney?
HETAS encourage having your chimney swept at least twice a year when burning wood or bituminous housed coal and at least once a year when burning smokeless fuels.
The best times to have your chimney swept are just before the start of the heating season and after your stove has not been used over a prolonged period. If sweeping twice a year, the second time should be after the peak of the main heating season.
The HETAS ‘Find a Chimney Sweep’ search makes it easy to find your nearest local HETAS Approved Chimney Sweep. Simply enter your postcode in the search box above to find a chimney sweep near you. https://www.hetas.co.uk/find-chimney-sweep/
Do you sell compressed logs?
We sell compressed logs in small packs (which can be added to a larger order) or in half or full pallets.
When is delivery?
Orders received by 1pm (Monday-Thursday) within N Ireland will be delivered within 1-3 days (excluding weekends and Bank Holidays). Orders to UK mainland and Republic of Ireland are delivered within is 2-5 working days (Excludes Bank Holidays). Friday & Weekend Orders will usually be despatched on the next Working Day.
Can I specify a day?
It always helps to be organised and to be at home for your delivery. Specify the delivery day you prefer in the instruction box when placing your order.
Can I leave special instructions?
If you are not going to be at home, need to specify a particular delivery day, or have any other information you think we should know, write in the instruction box when placing your order.
How should my wood be stored?
Our logs are kiln dried below 20% moisture content, so it is important the logs are stored correctly to ensure quality is maintained. Ensure no dampness gets near your log store and stack it off the ground to avoid damp rising through the pile. Also, allow maximum airflow throughout the stack of logs to ensure they can breath.
It is also important to have your log store somewhere convenient to your house so logs can be easily taken indoors while allowing access for delivery vehicles to drop off pallet close to storage.
What do I do with the empty bag/ pallet?
The bag and pallet are both reusable. However, if you don’t want to keep them, we can arrange collection of 4/5 bags at a time. Just fold and store them neatly. Most hauliers on your next order, will take the pallet off you. Although this is not guaranteed, most are happy to bring them back to their depot.